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Friday, October 6th
11:05 AM

Going Beyond Fear in Addressing Attorney Mental Health

Eric C. Lang

Fickling Hall, Mercer University

11:05 AM - 11:55 AM

1:10 PM

Victor Hugo was Right All Along: Les Misérables, the Tragedy of a Punitive Parole System, and a Modern Path Forward

Sarah Gerwig, Mercer University School of Law

Fickling Hall, Mercer University

1:10 PM - 1:40 PM

1:40 PM

Solving a Sixth Amendment Crisis: The Case for Resource Parity in Georgia’s Indigent Defense System

Meagan R. Hurley, Mercer University School of Law

Fickling Hall, Mercer University

1:40 PM - 2:10 PM

2:35 PM

The Real World: Iqbal/Twombly The Plausibility Pleading Standard’s Effect on Federal Court Civil Practice

Matthew Cook
Kate Cook

Fickling Hall, Mercer University

2:35 PM - 3:25 PM