
Browse the contents of Mercer Law Review Symposium:

Social Media Platforms and Free Expression
Mercer University School of Law and the Southeastern Association of Law Schools hosted the 2021 Mercer Law Review Symposium titled "Social Media Platforms and Free Expression" on Friday, Oct. 8.
A Course of Action: Shaping the Next Seventy-Five Years
The 2023 Symposium focused on presenting solutions to the challenges practitioners and scholars face in the practice of law each day. The goal was to address common problems within various legal practice areas and suggest methodical plans to fix these problems for future generations of judges, lawyers, and clients.
Ethics, Professionalism, and the Role of the Attorney General of the United States: Lessons from History
Mercer University School of Law hosted the 2020 Mercer Law Review Symposium and 21st Annual Georgia Symposium on Professionalism and Ethics, titled “Ethics, Professionalism, and the Role of the Attorney General of the United States: Lessons from History,” on Friday, Oct. 16.