Vol. 65, No. 3 (2014) Lead Articles Edition
Front Matter
O Brave New World: Where Angels Fear to Trade
Mark L. Jones
How Trade Law Changed: Why It Should Change Again
John Linarelli
A Historical Look at International Trade, Then and Now
Joel C. Williams Jr.
Emerging Market Challenges: Moving Beyond Trade to Promote the Middle Class and Avoid the Middle-Income Trap
Penelope B. Prime
Perpetual Congressional Inaction: State Regulation of Immigration in Response to Lack of Reform
Benjamin D. Galloway
Table of Cases
Board of Editors
- Jennifer R. Findley - Editor-in-Chief
- Frances M. Parker - Senior Managing Editor
- Jacob A. Johnson - Managing Editor
- Lauren J. Miller - Managing Editor
- Michael S. Weldon Jr. - Georgia Survey Editor
- Brett J. Schwartz - Articles Editor
- Robert W. Johnson Jr. - Lead Articles Editor
- Olivia Grace Mann -11th Circuit Survey Editor S. Jacob Carroll - Student Writing Editor
- Jonathan G. Wilson - Administrative Editor