Vol. 59, No. 1 (2007) Annual Survey of Georgia Law
Front Matter
Survey Articles
Administrative Law
Martin M. Wilson and Jennifer A. Blackburn
Appellate Practice and Procedure
Roland F.L. Hall
Business Associations
Paul A. Quirós, Lynn S. Scott, William B. Shearer III, and J. Haskell Murray
Construction Law
Dana R. Grantham, David L. Hobson, and David J. Mura Jr.
Criminal Law
Franklin J. Hogue and Laura D. Hogue
Death Penalty Law
Therese M. Day
Domestic Relations
Barry B. McGough and Gregory R. Miller
Labor and Employment Law
W. Melvin Haas III, William M. Clifton III, W. Jonathan Martin II, and Glen R. Fagan
Legal Ethics
Patrick Emery Longan
Local Government Law
R. Perry Sentell
Product Liability
Franklin P. Brannen Jr., Richard L. Sizemore, and Jacob E. Daly
Real Property
Linda S. Finley
Trial Practice and Procedure
Kate S. Cook, Alan J. Hamilton, Brandon L. Peak, and John C. Morrison III
Wills, Trusts, Guardianships, and Fiduciary Administration
Mary F. Radford
Workers' Compensation
H. Michael Bagley, Daniel C. Kniffen, and Katherine D. Dixon
Zoning and Land Use Law
Dennis J. Webb Jr., Marcia McCrory Ernst, Joseph L. Cooley, John Chadwick Torri, and Victor A. Ellis
Table of Cases
Board of Editors
- Sean B. Sandison - Editor-in-Chief
- David B. Carn - Senior Managing Editor
- Lindsay P. Brewer - Managing Editor
- Nathan A. Wood - Managing Editor
- Laura R. Anthony - Georgia Survey Editor
- Jamanda N. Turner - Lead Articles Editor
- Steven J. Flynn - Articles Editor
- Megan E. Boyd -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Leslie A. Eanes - Student Writing Editor
- Matthew R. Brooks - Administrative Editor
Covering the period June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007