Vol. 55, No. 4 (2004) Eleventh Circuit Survey
Front Matter
Survey Articles
Appellate Practice and Procedure
K. Todd Butler
James D. Walker Jr. and Amber Nickell
Constitutional Civil Rights
C. Ashley Royal
Criminal Procedure
Charles E. Cox Jr.
Employment Discrimination
Peter Reed Corbin and John E. Duvall
Environmental Law
Travis M. Trimble
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Rosemary T. Cakmis
Federal Taxation
Donald R. Bly and Michael H. Plowgian
Intellectual Property
Laurence P. Colton and Nigamnarayan Acharya
Labor and Employment
Jerry C. Newsome and K. Alex Khoury
A Deep Breath Before the Plunge: Undoing Miranda's Failure Before It's Too Late
Benjamin D. Cunningham
Georgia's Children On Our Minds...
Nicole Sheppe
Who Gets the Hooch?: Georgia, Florida, and Alabama Battle for Water From the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin
C. Hansell Watt IV
Defining Misappropriation: The Spousal Duty of Loyalty and the Expectation of Benefit
M. Anne Kaufold
Table of Cases
Board of Editors
- Stuart E. Walker - Editor-in-Chief
- Amanda E. Meloun - Senior Managing Editor
- Shellie L. Hammock - Managing Editor
- Shannon M. Sheppard - Managing Editor
- M. Adam Ferrell -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- S. Elizabeth Wilson - Lead Articles Editor
- Brandon L. Peak - Articles Editor
- Bryan E. Bates - Georgia Survey Editor
- J. Cleveland Hill - Student Writing Editor
- Jennifer A. Kennedy - Administrative Editor
Covering the period Jan. 1, 2003 through Dec. 31, 2003..