Vol. 51, No. 3 (2000) Lead Articles Edition - 1999-2000 Oliver Wendell Holmes Symposium and Lectureship: The Marketplace of Ideas in Cyberspace
Front Matter
Theodore Y. Blumoff
Personal Jurisdiction and the Internet: Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop on First Amendment Concerns
Brian E. Daughdrill
Holloway v. United States: Conditional v. Unconditional Intent to Kill
Michael Douglas Owens
Wyoming v. Houghton: Passengers' Belongings Subject to Searches Under the "Automobile Exception" to the Fourth Amendment's Warrant Requirements
Theresa H. Hammond
Table of Cases

Board of Editors
- Nick F. Ivezaj - Editor-in-Chief
- James F. Brumsey - Senior Managing Editor
- Jacob Edward Daly - Managing Editor
- Melanie B. McCrorey - Managing Editor
- Amy Miller Hollis - Georgia Survey Editor
- Elizabeth Burgess Brown - Lead Articles Editor
- Richard Sizemore - Articles Editor
- Amy C. Reeder -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Alison Santillo Woodrow - Student Writing Editor
- Natasha Sabrina Olds - Administrative Editor