Vol. 51, No. 2 (2000) Articles Edition - The Burgeoning Mt. Healthy Mixed-Motive Defense to Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination Claims
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Richard L. Sizemore
Three Arguments Against Mt. Healthy: Tort Theory, Constitutional Torts, and Freedom of Speech
Michael Wells
An Essay on Texas v. Lesage
Christina B. Whitman
Mt. Healthy, Causation and Affirmative Defenses
Joseph Z. Fleming
Mixed-Motive Cases on Employment Discrimination Law Revisited: A Brief Updated View of the Swamp
Robert Belton
"Mixed-Motive" Discrimination Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991: Still a "Pyrrhic Victory" for Plaintiffs?
Thomas H. Barnard and George S. Crisci
Price Waterhouse: Alive and Well Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
H.Lane Dennard Jr. and Kendall L. Kelly
The Mixed-Motive Defense in Workplace Discrimination Actions and Its Procedural Issues in the Eleventh Circuit
Richard A. Weller
Rainey v. Chever: Expanding a Natural Father's Right to Inherit from His Illegitimate Child
Elizabeth G. Long
Resolving the Conflict Between Receipt and Proper Service: Murphy Bros. v. Michetti Pipe Stringing, Inc.
Jennifer N. Moore
Seay v. Cleveland: Resolution of the Ministerial Discretionary Dichotomy
Franklin D. Guerrero Jr.
Sutton v. United Air Lines, Inc.: The Role of Mitigating Measures in Determining Disabilities
Julia J. Hall
Table of Cases

Board of Editors
- Nick F. Ivezaj - Editor-in-Chief
- James F. Brumsey - Senior Managing Editor
- Jacob Edward Daly - Managing Editor
- Melanie B. McCrorey - Managing Editor
- Amy Miller Hollis - Georgia Survey Editor
- Elizabeth Burgess Brown - Lead Articles Editor
- Richard Sizemore - Articles Editor
- Amy C. Reeder -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Alison Santillo Woodrow - Student Writing Editor
- Natasha Sabrina Olds - Administrative Editor