Vol. 44, No. 4 (1993) Annual Eleventh Circuit Survey
Survey Articles
Administrative Law
J. Michael Davis
Appellate Practice and Procedure
William M. Droze and Cynthia Honssinger Frank
W. Homer Drake Jr. and James W. Dilz
Constitutional Civil Law
Albert Sidney Johnson and Susan Cole Mullis
Constitutional Criminal Law
Peggy Natale
Employment Discrimination
Peter Reed Corbin and John E. Duvall
Environmental Law
Edward A. Kazmarek and W. Scott Laseter
Federal Taxation
Steven C. Evans
Securities Regulation
John L. Latham and James A. Shuchart
Trial Practice and Procedure
Steven A. Miller and Kristen K. Duggan
Anderson Chemical v. Portals Water Treatment: Ensuring an Inherent Risk of Business
Adrian Bradley Dozier Jr.
Braun v. Soldier of Fortune Magazine, Inc.: Advertisement for Hit Man Brings Four Million Dollar Hit to Publisher
Mae Charles Babb
Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah
Paul L. Bader
Davis v. State: Too Young To Consent?
Judson Robert Jahn
The Demise of Fee-Shifting Statutes: Will Congress Respond?
Jack Vining Dell Jr.
Dimmitt Chevrolet v. Southeastern Fidelity Insurance Corp.: Florida Interprets the "Sudden and Accidental" Clause
Walter E. Engle III
Goldberg v. Town of Rocky Hill: Second Circuit Refuses to Extend Absolute Immunity to Municipal Defendant
Nancy J. Bladich
In re Grabill Corporation; Appeal of NCNB National Bank of North Carolina: Four To One Against Jury Trials in Bankruptcy Courts
Merritt McGarrah
Grissom v. Johnson: Just The Facts...
Dean C. Copelan
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council: Low Tide for the Takings Clause
Marshall Currey Cook
Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife: The Court Maintains Its Proper Role In Environmental Issues
Donald W. Hansford
Nonacquiescence by the Social Security Administration as a Matter of Law: Using Stieberger v. Sullivan as a Model
Jody L. Davis
Payne v. Tennessee: Reexamining the Admissibility of Victim Impact Evidence
Elizabeth A. McLeod
Wallace v. Dunn Construction Co.: Defining the Role of After-Acquired Evidence in Federal Employment Discrimination Suits
Hugh Lawson III
Table of Cases
Board of Editors
- Mary Patricia Sullivan - Editor-in-Chief
- Deron Ray Hicks - Senior Managing Editor
- Ann-Marie M. McGaughey - Managing Editor
- Melisa Bodnar - Managing Editor
- Phillip Comer Griffeth - Georgia Survey Editor
- Jim Tolliver - Lead Articles Editor
- Alexander T. Galloway III - Articles Editor
- Angela Medders -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Thomas E. Best - Student Writing Editor
- Mary Katherine Smith - Administrative Editor
- Shawn Marie Story - NCLR Representative