Vol. 44, No. 1 (1992) Annual Survey of Georgia Law
Special Contributions
Appeals, Interlocutory and Discretionary Applications, and Post-Judgment Motions in the Georgia Courts: The Current Practice and the Need for Reform Legislation
Edward C. Brewer III
Survey Articles
Business Associations
Paul A. Quirós and Lynn Scott Magruder
Commercial Law
James C. Marshall
Construction Law
Brian J. Morrissey and Matthew W. Wallace
Criminal Law and Procedure
John O. Cole
Domestic Relations
Barry B. McGough and Andrea G. Alpern
Legal Ethics
Roy M. Sobelson
Local Government Law
R. Perry Sentell Jr.
Real Property
Robert L. Foreman Jr., T. Daniel Brannan, and Stephen M. LaMastra
Trial Practice and Procedure
David A. Forehand Jr. and Ken M. Nimmons
Wills, Trusts, and Administration of Estates
James C. Rehberg
Workers' Compensation
H. Michael Bagley, Daniel C. Kniffen, and John C. Blackmon Jr.
Table of Cases
Board of Editors
- Mary Patricia Sullivan - Editor-in-Chief
- Deron Ray Hicks - Senior Managing Editor
- Ann-Marie M. McGaughey - Managing Editor
- Melisa Bodnar - Managing Editor
- Phillip Comer Griffeth - Georgia Survey Editor
- Jim Tolliver - Lead Articles Editor
- Alexander T. Galloway III - Articles Editor
- Angela Medders -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Thomas E. Best - Student Writing Editor
- Mary Katherine Smith - Administrative Editor
- Shawn Marie Story - NCLR Representative