Vol. 27, No. 2 (1976) Special Lead Articles Edition - Foreign Trade and Investment Part I
Editor's Note
The central objective of this special two-part edition on foreign trade and investment in the United States is to provide a broad overview of a rapidly expanding area of United States law and to present, in symposium form, a primer for the general practitioner. Our articles were solicited from legislators, professors, practitioners, and laymen active in this area in order to present a sampling of the diverse opinion in this field. Our articles range from the practical "how to" to the theoretical, and include a sprinkling of articles dealing with the European Economic Community to suggest possible U.S. solutions to future problems. We believe our treatment to be timely and topical and trust that this Lead Articles Edition will contribute to our goal of furnishing to our subscribers a far-ranging examination of all pertinent areas of the law.
The final comment in this Editor's Note must be a special word of thanks to our authors. The excellence of the contributions reflect hard work in a developing area in which clear precedent and ready authority are generally lacking. We therefore extend our appreciation to these authors for making this Special Lead Articles Edition possible.
Front Matter
Taxation of U.S.-Based Transnational Corporations
Mitchell B. Carroll
The Multinational Corporation and Foreign Investment
John Sparkman
State Government in International Trade
Richard J. Allen
Current Problems of Structuring Petrodollar Loans
Stuart R. Singer
The Burgeoning Development of the Common Market Competition Rules and Its Impact on International Licensing
Marcus B. Finnegan
Admiralty--Divided Damages Rules Replaced by Proportionate Fault in Maritime Collision or Standing Cases
Margaret Leslie Cooper
International Air Carriers--Psychic Injury and the Warsaw Conventions
Joseph William Boone

Board of Editors
- William A. Dinges - Editor-in-Chief
- Larry W. Rowe - Administrative Editor
- Samuel D. Ozburn - Administrative Editor
- Michael K. Grogan - Managing Editor
- Jeffrey Ward Bell - Student Writing Editor
- Frank J. Beltran - Student Writing Editor
- Elizabeth R. Francisco - Georgia Survey Editor
- James K. Lange - Lead Articles Editor
- Thomas C. Alexander - 5th Circuit Survey Editor