Vol. 27, No. 1 (1975) Annual Survey of Georgia Law
This survey is intended to cover cases reported within the survey period, June, 1974, through May, 1975, rather than cases decided during that period. Only those cases which, in the author's opinion, are a significant development or restatement of the law have been the subject of comment. It has been our goal to weed out from the mass of appellate opinion those decisions which are of particular importance to the Bar. In addition there are references to cases outside the survey period where necessary to the discussion.
This year's articles on Domestic Relations and Remedies cover a two year survey period since those areas were not included in the 1974 Georgia Survey. A special feature on state and local tax remedies has been substituted for the regular State and Local Tax Survey. Articles on Agency, Juvenile Law, and Administrative Law have been omitted this year. We had added a few special articles which we feel are of particular interest at this time.
Additionally, we have included a table of cases in the hope that it will enhance the utility of the Survey as a research tool.
The quality of the Review is ultimately dependent on the competency of our authors. We would therefore like to extend our deep appreciation to all those who gave of their time and expertise so we could present the following volume.
Front Matter
Special Contributions
Constitutional Issues in Federal No-Fault
Frank J. Vandall
A Glance at Summary Judgment
Thomas J. Browning
Pattern Jury Instructions
Luther C. Hames Jr.
State Taxpayer Remedies
L.O. Buckland
Survey Articles
Appellate Practice and Procedure
Tommy Day Wilcox
Business Associations
Joseph Epps Claxton
Commercial Law
John M. Hewson III
Constitutional Law
W. Tarver Rountree
Criminal Law
Denny C. Galis
Domestic Relations
Barry C. McGough and Lucy S. McGough
Local Government Law
R. Perry Sentell Jr.
Real Property
George A. Pindar
Trial Practice and Procedure
J. Ralph Beaird and C. Ronald Ellington
Trusts, Wills, and Administration of Estates
James C. Rehberg
Juvenile Law--Exclusive Original Jurisdiction of Juvenile Cases in Juvenile Courts
James O. Wilson Jr.
Public Utilities--Consumers Lack Standing to Obtain Review of Reasonableness of Approved Rates
G. Neil Skene Jr.
Sales--UCC Warranty Provisions Extended to Chattel Leases by Analogy
William D. Harrison
Torts--Emotional Distress--Georgia Continues to Cling to the Impact Rule
Wallace Miller III
Table of Cases

Board of Editors
- William A. Dinges - Editor-in-Chief
- Larry W. Rowe - Administrative Editor
- Samuel D. Ozburn - Administrative Editor
- Michael K. Grogan - Managing Editor
- Jeffrey Ward Bell - Student Writing Editor
- Frank J. Beltran - Student Writing Editor
- Elizabeth R. Francisco - Georgia Survey Editor
- James K. Lange - Lead Articles Editor
- Thomas C. Alexander - 5th Circuit Survey Editor
Covering the period June 1, 1974 - May 31, 1975