Vol. 71, No. 5 (2020) MLR Online Companion
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Samuel M. Lyon
An Uneven Playing Field: The Government Extended Rights Denied to Defendants on Appeal
Breyana Fleming
Perfect Adherence or Material Deviation?: The Eleventh Circuit's Bright IDEA in Resolving Individualized Education Plan Implementation Cases
Chelsea Henderson
The Probationer, the Free Man, and the Fourth Amendment: Constitutional Protections for Those Who Have Served Their Sentences and Those Who Have Not
Rachel Ness-Maddox
A Lottery Ticket is an Express Written Contract and the General Assembly Waived Their Own Instrumentality from Sovereign Immunity!
Forrest F. Schrum IV
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Hanham v. Access Management Group L.P. Reestablishes Validity for Course of Conduct Parol Contracts in Georgia
Elizabeth C. Selph
Table of Cases

- Samuel M. Lyon - Editor in Chief
- Jordan Elliott - Senior Managing Editor
- Zan V. Jones - Managing Editor
- Mallory Fleming - Managing Editor
- Carley Hawkins - Georgia Survey Editor
- Maia Middleton - Lead Articles Editor
- Christopher Wages - Articles Editor
- Jackson Griner - 11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Dan Nix - Student Writing Editor
- Shadaisa Wilcox - Administrative Editor
This first issue of the MLR Online Companion began as a way to reward students for their valuable contributions to the law review at the start of the Covid restrictions. Student Survey Editor, Dan Nix, selected the five Casenotes you will find in this electronic edition. The strength and quality of the writing of these pieces shows the depth from which we at the Mercer Law Review have the pleasure of selecting for physical publication each year.