Vol. 69, No. 3 (2018) Lead Articles Edition
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Hannah M. Couch
Introduction to Symposium
Gary J. Simson
The Right to Two Criminal Defense Lawyers
Bruce A. Green
A Penal Colony for Bad Lawyers
Bennett L. Gershman
The Politics of Ethics
Laurie L. Levenson
Privileging Public Defense Research
Janet Moore, Ellen Yaroshefsky, and Andrew L.B. Davies
Disrupting Victim Exploitation
David A. Singleton
Immigration Defense Waivers in Federal Criminal Plea Agreements
Donna Lee Elm, Susan R. Klein, and Elissa C. Steglich
The Bend at the End: What Lawyers Can Learn about Disruptions and Innovations in Criminal Defense Practice from Market Analysis
Donald F. Tibbs and Justin Hollinger
United States v. Osman: Including Future Therapy Costs In Mandatory Restitution Awards Is The Growing Trend Among Circuits, but Is It Wise?
Mary Theresa Mahfoud
Table of Cases
Board of Editors
- David S. Cromer - Editor-in-Chief
- Kelsey L. Kicklighter - Senior Managing Editor
- William J. Prater - Managing Editor
- Anna L. Usry - Managing Editor
- Hannah M. Couch - Lead Articles Editor
- Jessica B. Haygood - Articles Editor
- Morgan E. Lyndall - Georgia Survey Editor
- Beatrice C. Hancock -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Gretchen O. Connick - Student Writing Editor
- Katelyn E. Fischer - Administrative Editor
A Symposium of the Mercer Law Review, Mercer University School of Law, and Southeastern Association of Law Schools