
Publication Date


Document Type

Survey Article


The most significant developments in electronic discovery (E-Discovery) law in the Eleventh Circuit in 2015 were the latest amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Amendments), which went into effect on December 1, 2015. As with the last round of amendments in 2006, the 2015 Amendments primarily addressed the rapidly expanding and evolving practice of E-Discovery. Some of the amendments are minor tweaks to existing rules that will have little or no impact on current precedent. Other amendments introduce entirely new rules designed to give the courts and the parties new tools to corral the beast that is E-Discovery. There is debate over whether the Amendments will result in any meaningful changes in federal civil practice. Questions about the efficacy of the Amendments, however, will not be answered until next year's survey period, when the first wave of district court opinions applying the new rules start to come down.
