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The world is continuously changing before our eyes. New scientific and technological developments are constantly being made. Not surprisingly, these changes usually occur well before the law is ready to respond and accommodate them. One of the most recent developments that will soon be pushing the limits of the law is in the world of science. Researchers around the world have been independently working to see if they can unlock the secrets to the development of reproductive cells. Ultimately, the research teams are hoping to learn what causes stem cells to differentiate into sperm and egg cells. One way this is significant to the legal world is that it may affect the configuration of reproductive rights. By learning what causes stem cells to differentiate into reproductive cells, scientists can help people have genetically related children. This could ultimately mean that, in the not-too-distant future, people who were previously unable to have genetically related children may be able to do so. ...

An appropriate structure of laws and policies addressing embryonic stem cell research and cloning must consider the various ethical implications involved. However, this Comment does not discuss those ethical issues, and it is not meant to take or support an ethical stance on either side of the debate. While some ethical positions may be briefly mentioned because they affect some of the arguments this Comment discusses, those issues are largely beyond the scope of this Comment. This Comment is meant to objectively discuss some of the potential legal questions that could arise should Congress or state legislatures pass laws to prevent the use of these recent developments for purposes of human reproduction.
