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As the insider Jeffrey Wigand came forward to rattle the U.S. tobacco industry, insiders within the U.S. and Australian gambling establishments began to go public as the twenty-first century began. By 2002 government officials, scholars, and social activists who were experts on the gambling industry believed that some of the next big industry lawsuits would be targeted at gambling facilities. Gambling opponents argued that casinos and gambling facilities fueled gambling addiction and pursued players who had gambling addiction problems, even after those players complained to the gambling facility and asked to be banned. Casino owners maintained that their industry was not the cause of gambling addiction. Reportedly concurring with this viewpoint was Keith Whyte, head of the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), who was previously employed by the American Gaming Association (AGA), the gambling industry's lobbying group. Whyte stated that "[clausation would be very difficult to prove," although several academics and experts disagreed.
