Vol. 52, No. 4 (2001) Eleventh Circuit Survey
Front Matter
Special Contribution
Poking Along in the Fast Lane on the Information Super Highway: Territorial-Based Jurisprudence in a Technological World
Brian E. Daughdrill
Survey Articles
Appellate Practice and Procedure
William M. Droze and Suzanne F. Sturdivant
Constitutional Civil Rights
John Sanchez
Constitutional Criminal Procedure
James P. Fleissner, Sarah B. Mabery, and Jeanne L. Wiggins
Employment Discrimination
Peter Reed Corbin and John E. Duvall
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Rosemary T. Cakmis and James T. Skuthan
Federal Taxation
Suellen M. Wolfe and Jennifer N. Moore
Labor and Employment Law
Richard Gerakitis, James P. Ferguson Jr., and Dorothy E. Larkin
Securities Regulation
L. Briley Brisendine Jr.
Trial Practice and Procedure
Philip W. Savrin
Judicial Jabberwocky in the Presidential Election 2000: When Law and Facts Collide with Politics
Theresa H. Hammond
The Inherent Constitutionality of the Police Use of Deadly Force to Stop Dangerous Pursuits
Michael Douglas Owens
Table of Cases

Board of Editors
- Gregory K. Smith - Editor-in-Chief
- Franklin D. Guerrero, Jr. - Senior Managing Editor
- Frances L. Clay - Managing Editor
- Amber Nickell - Managing Editor
- Alexandra E. Basis - Georgia Survey Editor
- William P. Miles, Jr. - Lead Articles Editor
- Susan J. Warren - Articles Editor
- Jennifer N. Moore -11th Circuit Survey Editor
- Jeanne L. Wiggins - Student Writing Editor
- Derek Michael Aronoff - Administrative Editor
Covers the period of Jan. 1, 2000 through Dec. 31, 2000