

Frank C. Jones

Publication Date


Document Type

Survey Article


Although the number of cases assigned to this category is greater than for the first survey period-an increase from six to seventeen-there are no significant decisions among the group. The appellate courts repeated a number of well-known principles and considered an occasionally novel factual situation, but they left the law of bills and notes essentially undisturbed. There have been no legislative changes whatsover during this period. In the main these cases dealt with the attempted assertion of various defenses by maker, drawer, drawee and indorser. Almost without exception these were personal defenses, urged in controversies between the original parties.

In several of the assigned cases there was a bills and notes point only in the sense that such an instrument served a the vehicle for the motivation of the legal controversy. For example, there were suits based on a note, the amount of a check, and on a bill of lading.
