Vol. 27, No. 3 (1976) Special Lead Articles Edition - Foreign Trade and Investment Part II
Front Matter
Foreign Investors and Equal Protection
John R. Liebman and Beth Levine
Is Georgia on Their Minds?--Some Legal Aspects of Investment and Trade by Foreign Business Enterprises
Gabriel M. Wilner and Terri K. Smith
The U.S. International Trade Commission's 30-Day Inquiry Under the Antidumping Act: Section 201 (c)(2)
John F. McDermid and F. David Foster
Encouraging Foreign Investment in the United States by Limiting the President's Emergency Authority Under the Trading With the Enemy Act
Michael T. Sawyier
The U.N. Economic Charter and U.S. Investment and Policy
G.A. Zaphiriou
New Departures in Multilateral Trade, Development and Cooperation: The Lome Convention and its Impact on the United States
Edward A. Laing
Banks--International--Analysis of Georgia's International Bank Agency Act
Harry W. Krumenauer

Board of Editors
- William A. Dinges - Editor-in-Chief
- Larry W. Rowe - Administrative Editor
- Samuel D. Ozburn - Administrative Editor
- Michael K. Grogan - Managing Editor
- Jeffrey Ward Bell - Student Writing Editor
- Frank J. Beltran - Student Writing Editor
- Elizabeth R. Francisco - Georgia Survey Editor
- James K. Lange - Lead Articles Editor
- Thomas C. Alexander - 5th Circuit Survey Editor